Manorside Academy

After School Clubs

During each school year we provide a variety of after school clubs. These vary from term to term depending on the time of the year and the age group involved. The clubs begin at 3.15 and finish at 4.15. An email is sent out to children and parents during the previous term and places are allocated on a first come, first serve basis. If clubs are over-subscribed, we operate a waiting list system.

Some examples of the clubs we offer are Art & Crafts, Football, Netball, Athletics, Computing, Recorder, Choir, Gardening and Cookery.

To ensure 100% pupils have the opportunity to attend clubs, as the year goes on, we give some pupils first preference to attend a club before offering them out to all pupils.

 These are the After School Clubs we currently offer our pupils:

Autumn Term Clubs List

Spring Term Clubs List

Events & Fixtures

As part of these clubs, we encourage pupils to take part in local competitions and are very proud to be working towards the Gold School Games Award for the levels of participation in local sporting events. 

Our aim is for all Key Stage 2 pupils to attend an appropriate event or fixture to ensure we are offering as many pupils as possible a wide selection of opportunities outside of the national curriculum.