Physical Education
At Manorside Academy, we believe all children should have access to a high-quality Physical Education (PE) curriculum and PE should be an integral part of the whole school ethos. Our school recognises the benefits high quality PE provision and school sport can give to all pupils. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop physical literacy and the fundamental knowledge, understanding and skills to excel in a wide range of physical activities, by providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all. Our PE curriculum will contribute to healthy and active lifestyles; improve emotional wellbeing, reduce challenging behaviour, increase attendance and develop key attributes such as leadership, confidence, social and team building skills.
Our school aims to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. Our aim is for all children to be active, develop and respectful. Through excellent physical education, whole school values and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident and resilient children, who will strive for their personal best. Pupil voice is at the heart of our extra- curricular provision. As a result, we offer a range of clubs for example Football, Tennis, Dodgeball and Musical Theatre.
We want to aid our children in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrating their own achievements. We aim to ensure that our delivery of physical education following Get Set 4 PE allows all children to have the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles at secondary school and beyond. We strive to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices with initiatives such as Wake up Shake up. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies and will continue to support our children's well-being.
We will endeavour to provide opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sports and activities both in and beyond the curriculum. Within our Trust, we participate in a range of sports competitively against one another. We also work alongside Poole School events and participate in the events they have scheduled such as football tournaments, netball tournament, ‘can do’ events, swimming galas, multi skills etc.
Each child is assessed each half term using internal school assessment systems for all staff across the school to refer to and use as part of their planning process. The assessments then give staff the areas that they need to develop further or deepen pupils’ knowledge in. These children can also be invited to clubs which will support these development areas to build their confidence and skills. Pupils are continuously assessed throughout each lesson, through high level questioning, peer feedback and self-assessing. Teachers then use this information within the session and to inform the next lesson. School Games Gold Mark | We are pleased to share that Manorside Academy are working towards the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2024/25 academic year! The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success!