Manorside Academy


Early Reading

Manorside Academy Early Reading Strategy

At Manorside Academy we believe that having a highly effective Early Reading Strategy is vital to the success of pupils as they progress through the school and onto secondary school as it is the key to accessing the curriculum. Reading is prioritised and meticulously planned across the school to ensure pupils receive the highest quality provision from the moment they join the school, as developing pupils’ reading ability and their desire to read is not something that can be left to chance. As teachers, it is our job to inspire pupils and engage them in reading widely from an early stage to instil a love of reading from the earliest opportunity. We consistently reflect on and adapt our practice based on the most up to date research and through continuous analysis of impact, working with staff to ensure they receive ongoing CPD to implement our strategy to the highest possible standard.  

Area of Reading 


What Does This Look Like at Manorside? 

Speech & Language 

We understand that for pupils to become skilled, fluent and confident readers they have to be able to communicate effectively and have a wide breadth of vocabulary that is consistently developing. Therefore, pupils’ understanding of language is developed through listening & speaking – creating a language rich environment, while they are taught to decode through phonics. Research shows that pupils who experience more speech at an early age become more efficient in processing words in real time and have larger vocabularies. To ensure all pupils can flourish with this, we introduce WellComm speech & language intervention in Nursery and Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) across Reception. These daily interventions, along with regular assessments ensures that all pupils have sufficient speech & language skills to thrive as readers which links to The Simple View of Reading. 

Daily S&L Interventions for pupils who require it 

Staff CPD given on how to identify needs and strategies that can be used to support 

Daily NELI/WellComm sessions across Early Years (EYs) 

Daily vocabulary sessions across EYs and Key Stage 1 (KS1) 

SALT attends school fortnightly to support SENCo 

Daily RWI 1:1 tutoring to support children with pronunciation and oral blending 

Required vocabulary outlined on Medium Term Plans 

Targetted provision during adult lead and child initiated activities to develop vocabulary 

Adult scaffolding, modelling and uplevelling of vocabulary consistently 


To ensure that pupils ‘have the vocabulary to say what they want to say, and the ability to structure their thoughts’ii we ensure that pupils across Early Years access multiple opportunities to develop their spoken language. This includes; daily nursery rhyme or poetry sessions, relentless communication & language opportunities timetabled in throughout the day e.g. key areas of discussion planned in for snack times, books scanned in and on the Interactive Whiteboard when being read so pupils can read along where possible and join in with repeated refrains and role play opportunities. Throughout learning pupils are also given the opportunity to partner talk to develop oracy skills further. All staff have received CPD around fluency strategies that can be embedded into daily practice to support the development of spoken language across the school. 

Daily Nursery Rhyme/Poetry sessions across EYs 

Daily C&L sessions timetabled across EYs 

Story Time sessions prioritised daily with fluency and oracy opportunities embedded within these 

Partner talk promoted throughout all lessons 

Role play areas across EYs and opportunities planned into MTPs in KS1 

Whole School Oracy Lead to promote use of talk and developing vocabulary 

Systematic Synthetic Phonics 

As a school we follow the Read Write Inc. Phonics Programme which is taught daily across the school. This is implemented in Nursery from Christmas and in Reception by the end of the second week of pupils being in school. One of the reasons behind this rapid start to phonics is that research shows the vocabulary gap between pupils that are read to daily compared to those who are not is over 1,000,000 wordsiii. The majority of our pupils come from the fourth out of fifth quintile of disadvantaged areas with many not having access to a wide range of books. This then impacts on their levels of vocabulary. The aim is for all pupils to become successful and independent readers whilst ensuring they have an innate passion for reading. All members of staff have had official Read Write Inc. training to ensure the phonics teaching is precise and to the highest quality. As stated in EEF Preparing for Literacy, before pupils start phonics in Nursery, they complete activities which develop phonological awareness.iv 

Daily Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonics sessions across EYs and KS1 

Staff CPD scheduled weekly to support the teaching of Phonics  

RWI interventions taught daily – Word Time, 1:1 Tutoring 

Afternoon Speed Sound Lessons take place across EYFS and KS1 to embed Phonics learning 

RWI Book Bag Books sent home weekly carefully matched to learnt sounds 

RWI Parent Information Sessions ran 

RWI assessments completed every six weeks 

RWI specific staff CPD (weekly coaching & RWI specialist led Inset sessions) 

Home Reading 

Pupils are sent home with a book that closely matches the sounds they have learnt that week in phonics to ensure pupils are not exposed to sounds they are yet to learn when being asked to read independently. Parents are offered a Phonics workshop within the school where they are shown how to support their child effectively at home, in line with how they are being taught in school. This is also then added to the school website for any parents who were unable to attend the session in person. The school also shares with parents regularly further strategies they can use to help their child further. All pupils have a subscription to the Oxford Owl online library where they can access hundreds of books to develop their reading skills further. Weekly, each pupils is set a book and a quiz on Oxford Owl, linked to their phonics learning from that week, for them to show their understanding further. 

RWI Book Bag Books sent home weekly carefully matched to learnt sounds 

QR codes sent home regularly for parents to follow and enhance progress  

Book Corners & Library stocked with year group recommended books for pupils to take home to enjoy 

Oxford Owl Login for pupils in Rec-Year 3 

Reading Champion & Book Worm scheme 

Bedtime Reading sessions in school 

RWI & Reading Parent Information sessions ran & put on website 

Assessment & Early Intervention 

We strongly believe that pupils need to keep up with their peers rather than being helped to catch up at a later date. To ensure that any pupil who is at risk of falling behind is identified rapidly, we assess pupils’ phonics progress every six weeks which then inform the teaching groups. These assessments inform professional judgementv and also highlight any pupils who are at risk of falling behind and therefore need swift intervention. To support these pupils to fill any gaps they have in their knowledge we offer a range of early reading interventions including; 1:1 tutoring, 1:1 daily reading and Word Time (small group work). To ensure parents are informed and can support their children at home, we send home copies of their assessments so parents can also see the gaps in their pupils understanding and knowledge.  

Six weekly assessments & fluid groupings informed by these 

Consistent team of adults who assess RWI 

Each RWI teacher is given an assessment grid for them to identify the specific sounds that their pupils are yet to learn 

Phonics Lead meets with the SENCo half termly to identify needs 

For pupils at risk of falling behind: 

1:1 reading 


Word Time sessions 

- Assessment sent home to parents to support parental involvement 

Reading for Pleasure 

Story Time and Book Club in our school library are an integral part of all timetables across the school. Story Time is timetabled in daily and is a protected slot of time where pupils can enjoy a wide selection of books that have been carefully selected to build cultural capital and introduce pupils to different cultures and communities. Book Clubvi takes place in the school library, giving teachers the chance to act as influencers and promoters of reading whilst pupils have the opportunity to make recommendations and share reviews with their peers.  Pupils from Reception onwards have the opportunity to vote for their Story Time book to instil key British Values. Story Time books are also used as an opportunity to develop vocabulary, with pupils unpicking and applying key vocabulary from these books throughout the week. Each classroom has a book corner which is designed to promote high quality books and embed a passion for reading. 

Daily story time timetabled in across the school 

Weekly library slots timetabled in across the school to promote Book Talk 

Well stocked book corners with a range of books carefully chosen for each year group 

Books forward facing on the book shelves and organised into authors and genres.  

Teachers promote books and recommend books that link to a child’s interest 

High level vocabulary taught and promoted across the curriculum 

Reading Clubs offered across the school in the high-quality school library 

Engaging books consistently incorporated and promoted during child-initiated time. 


Manorside Academy Reading Strategy

At Manorside Academy, we have identified that reading underpins all other subjects and therefore put it at the forefront of pupils’ learning. Our aim is for every child, irrespective of the background, to become fluent and confident readers. From the moment pupils join Manorside Academy, we encourage them to build progressively on reading skills whilst engaging them in high quality, enjoyable texts. We do this through rigorous & meticulous planning, carefully monitoring the sounds and reading skills pupils are being taught, regular six-weekly assessments to monitor outcomes and ensuring the books they are reading are in line with these. This gives our pupils the opportunity to embed and apply new learning before moving onto more challenging texts. Not only does this develop their skills as readers but also fosters a love of reading, something we hope they build upon and keep for life. By embedding reading into our curriculum (carefully choosing a range of challenging texts from a wide variety of authors and genres) we ensure pupils are exposed to reading opportunities consistently, giving them the opportunity to embed and extend their understanding in a range of contexts. To ensure pupils at Manorside Academy become fluent, proficient readers, whilst developing strong comprehension skills, we use the following teaching strategies: 

Area of Reading 


What Does This Look Like at Manorside? 


As a school we follow the Read Write Inc. (RWI) Phonics Programme which is taught daily across the school. This is implemented in Nursery from Christmas and in Reception by the end of the second week of pupils being in school. One of the reasons behind this rapid start to phonics is that research shows the vocabulary gap between pupils are read to daily and those aren’t is over 1,000,000 wordsi. The majority of our pupils come from the fourth out of fifth quintile of disadvantaged areas with many not having access to a wide range of books which expose them to high levels of vocabulary. The aim is for all pupils to become successful and independent readers whilst ensuring they have an innate passion for reading. All members of staff have had official Read Write Inc. training to ensure the phonics teaching is precise and to the highest quality. As stated in EEF Preparing for Literacy, before pupils start phonics in Nursery, they complete activities which develop phonological awareness.ii 

See Manorside Academy Early Reading Strategy for further information iii 

Daily Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonics sessions across EYs and KS1 

RWI interventions taught daily – Word Time, 1:1 Tutoring 

RWI Book Bag Books sent home weekly carefully matched to learnt sounds 

RWI Parent Information Sessions ran 

RWI assessments completed every six weeks 

RWI official CPD for all staff 

RWI specific staff CPD (weekly coaching & RWI specialist led Inset sessions) 

Whole Class Reading (WCR) 

As pupils progress through the school, they experience Whole Class Reading sessions, where pupils enjoy a high-quality, above age-related expectations texts and engage in discussion with their peers and teacher to develop a deep understanding of the text. Exploring texts is a window through which children can develop empathy skills, a sense of wonder and encounter new concepts and ideas. Pupils will be learning the key skills that underpin reading throughout all lessons to help build their understanding of comprehending texts. These lessons include a range of activities – not all of which have a written outcome – that enable pupils to develop their vocabulary and comprehension skills 

Meticulously mapped out Medium Term Plans (MTPs) in place across the school 

Texts carefully chosen to ensure a range of styles, genres and authors covered in Whole Class Reading 

There are opportunities for children to recommend and make links between texts that they have previously read 

Texts carefully chosen to ensure a range of styles, genres and authors covered in Reading Comprehension and Whole Class Reading 

Teachers use a range of strategies to build oracy and fluency such as echo / choral reading 

All pupils accessing a text to read along in Whole Class Reading sessions 

Reading Comprehension 

During Reading Comprehension lessons, we believe in the importance of children being absorbed in texts rather than feature-spotting or discussing individual components. Once our pupils can decode well, they can be “introduced to a wealth of literature and non-fiction”, which allows them to “think deeply and discuss a range of rich and challenging texts”iv. However, we are also aware of the importance of giving children the opportunity to be given extracts of texts to build their understanding of the topic they are studying and exposure of a range of text genres. Therefore, we give children once a week an extract to assess the children's ability to complete an activity based on a range of skills. 
We believe that comprehension is an outcome rather than a skill to practise. Our skilled readers, usually unconsciously, use the following comprehension strategies to access a text: activating and using background knowledge; generating and asking questions; making predictions; visualising; monitoring comprehension; summarising. We therefore model and facilitate each of these within reading lessons until it becomes automatic for the children. Texts used in reading lessons can be more challenging than pupils might be able to access independently, as our teachers guide children through the text to support them in vocabulary acquisition. In addition to extracts, poems and short non-fiction pieces, children should be given opportunity to read and enjoy whole texts through the reading curriculum, which includes listening to our teachers reading the class novel aloud.  

Meticulously mapped out Medium Term Plans (MTPs) in place across the school 

Each lesson begins with a ‘text talk’, where pupils, alongside the class teacher, read and discuss a text.  

Skills Progression for a range of reading skills in place across the school 

Reading Comprehension lessons follow the model of ‘I do’, ‘We do’, ‘You do’.  

Texts carefully chosen to ensure a range of styles, genres and authors covered in Reading Comprehension and Whole Class Reading 

Weekly reading comprehension sessions (2 x Year 3-6 & 1 x Year 2) following MTPs 

Partner talk promoted throughout all lessons 

All pupils accessing a text, where the task could be scaffolded and differentiated to meet pupils’ needs 


Increasing Knowledge of Tier 2 Vocabulary 

 We are constantly striving to develop and widen our pupils’ bank of vocabulary. To support them with this, we teach five Tier 2 words a week that are taken from our Whole Class Reading text. The pupils learn the meaning of these words and are then taught the etymology (the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history) before putting the words into context and thinking of synonyms and antonyms for the words. This follows research that shows pupils learn vocabulary more effectively if they can explain and explore it before consolidating their understandingv. The pupils then hear these in context when reading the text as a class and can also apply these words independently in their writing. Key Vocabulary (Tier 2 or Tier 3) is also shared during every lesson on the teaching whiteboard; this is discussed with the pupils and ensures pupils are confident with the meaning of all new vocabulary they are exposed  

Daily Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonics sessions across EYs and KS1 

Nuffied Early Language Intervention (EYFS) 

Vocabulary highlighted throughout Medium Term Plans to support understanding and acquisitions 

Staff CPD about Tiered vocabulary and how to teach this effectively 

Active engagement around new vocabulary e.g. clapping when hearing the new word 

Developing Fluency 

As pupils gain fluency, their motivation increases: they start to enjoy reading more and are willing to do more of it.vii 

As children move through the school into KS2 and beyond, the expectation is that once they have acquired appropriate skills to decode phonics, they are fluent – when this is not the case then there is an area of learning we need to continue to model and teach  It is helpful to view fluency as progressive; it takes continuous practice as the texts become more challenging. At Manorside, we are aware of the importance of building this fluency to ensure that this is a paramount part of the teaching that happens throughout the day. 

We use a range of strategies to support fluency once children can decode, for example echo and choral reading, and highlights the importance of modelled reading aloud across the curriculum, repeated reading of a text and opportunities for the pupils to read aloud. This is completed throughout KS2 on a daily basis as part of their WCR lessons and other lessons across the curriculum. 

Daily fluency practise 

Range of fluency activities used and mapped out on MTPs across the school and accessed during Story Time. 

Fluency practise used across a range of subjects 

RWI Phonics & Fresh Start Fluency development across the school 

Encouragement of pupils reading at home and re-reading the same text to support with fluency 

Parent workshops around how to help develop fluency 

Variety and Love of Reading 

It is impossible to mandate that pupils read for pleasure, but teachers can inspire pupils and engage them in reading widelyviii. We believe it is vitally important that all pupils are exposed to a wide selection of authors from different cultures, ethnicities, gender, and backgrounds to support pupils with their wider understanding of the world around them and to develop their cultural capital.  That is why all our Reading Comprehension, Whole Class Reading & Story Time texts are meticulously hand-picked by the Senior Leadership Team to ensure all these different elements are reflected on and are woven throughout our curriculum. Story time books have incorporated texts that are more socially and culturally diverse that teaching staff and senior leadership team correlating building on all staff's knowledge of a range of books available. A class teacher will choose two books from the list, given to each year group, and give their class a synopsis of the stories. Children can then democratically choose the book that they would like to have read to them.  
To develop pupils’ passion for reading, we engage in events including World Book Day and Bedtime Story Evenings that encourage pupils to enjoy reading further and are always a big success at Manorside.  
We understand the importance of pupils being exposed to a wide range of genres as each genre comes with an opportunity to learn new vocabulary and each genre has a set of skills tied to itix. Therefore, to encourage reading across genres, we have Book worm awards that children can work towards each year by reading a range of books from 9 different genres and once completed receive one of three different badges (Bronze/Silver/Gold). We also invite in authors to encourage pupils to read a wider range of books and develop their writing skills. We see reading as a vital tool in developing pupils’ cultural capital and these events play a key part in this.  
Staff at Manorside expect parents/carers to listen to their children read at home for 5-10 minutes 3 times per week and to record this in their planners so they can apply skills learnt at school. Oxford Reading Owl (an online book library) and reading plus are there to ensure children always have a range of texts that they can access at home. Furthermore, all pupils are sent home with at least one banded book of their choice that is appropriately challenging for their stage of reading, for them to enjoy at home. The carefully banded books ensure that pupils are practising the sounds they have learnt in school whilst consolidating previous knowledge. Any home reading is then celebrated through house points and Reading Champion Awards. We support parents/carers with this by offering parental guidance letters that inform them how their child is taught to read at school so they can support them effectively. As part of their home reading, we encourage pupils to re-read their books to develop fluency and promote that parents ask them a variety of questions to develop their understanding.  Once children are fluent readers, it opens the door for them to be immersed in books. Carefully chosen texts that reflect children’s interests and help them to be emotionally invested in the characters are fundamental in encouraging a love of reading.x 

Story Time books rigorously planned to ensure they are developing pupils’ cultural capital 

Daily Story Time sessions prioritised with pupils voting about the text they would like 

Reading Club offered to Year 1 – 6 

Book Club sessions timetables in weekly in the school library to develop a passion for reading and to develop oracy. 

Online reading library provided for all pupils so they can access a wide range of texts easily 

Trips to local libraries planned into the wider curriculum to develop links 

Summer Reading Challenge promoted and celebrated within the school 

Celebrated events such as World Book Day, Bedtime Story Evenings and Roald Dahl Day 

Home reading celebrated as pupils become Reading Champions 

Parent Workshops about how to support developing a love of reading at home 

Carefully banded books so pupils can access books they take home independently 

Alternative books by the author they are currently studying readily available in book corners for pupils to access if they enjoy that author 

Home Reading 

Pupils are sent home with a book that either closely matches the sounds they have learnt that week in phonics or with a banded book following from our termly GL assessments. This ensures pupils can access the book they are reading independently. Parents have all been offered a phonics/reading workshop within the school where they are shown how to support their child effectively at home, in line with how they are being taught in school. This is also then added to the school website for any parents who were unable to attend the session in person. The school also shares with parents regularly further strategies they can use to help their child further for example through letters, leaflets sent home with the pupils or on the school’s social media page. Pupils in Reception – Year 3 have a subscription to the Oxford Owl online library where they can access hundreds of books to develop their reading skills further and pupils in Year 4-6 have a login to Reading Plus. Weekly, each pupil is set a book and a quiz on Oxford Owl linked to their phonics learning from that week, or a task on Reading Plus, for them to show their understanding further. 

RWI Book Bag Books sent home weekly carefully matched to learnt sounds 

Book Corners & Library stocked with year group recommended books for pupils to take home to enjoy 

Oxford Owl Login for pupils in Rec-Year 3 

Reading Plus login for pupils in Year 4 - 6 

Reading Champion & Book Worm scheme 

Bedtime Reading sessions in school 

RWI & Reading Parent Information sessions ran & put on website 

Strategies to support parents 


We know that reading assessment data provides teachers with vital information to guide instructional decisionsxi. Therefore, pupils in Nursery – Year 2 (and those who need it in Year 3) are assessed every half term using a Read Write Inc. assessment which then informs their phonics groupings to make sure teaching is precise and to support pupils with making rapid progress with their reading ability. Once pupils complete the Read Write Inc. scheme, they are assessed using the New Group Reading Test from GL Assessments which assess pupils’ reading ability and provides a reading age termly. Individual assessment should identify any pupils in need of extra support as soon as they begin to fall behind their peers - Reading Framework, 2023.On the 2nd half of each term a Teams reading assessment is completed online at home or with a member of staff. This information, along with data from termly NFER tests and teacher knowledge from reading with their pupils regularly, provides teachers with the information they need to accurately book band pupils. This ensures they are reading a book that is appropriately challenging for their ability. 

Pupils who attend our Fresh Start intervention are also assessed using the RWI Fresh Start assessment every six weeks. These assessments inform their groupings for this intervention and supports pupils to catch up rapidly.    

Six weekly assessments & fluid groupings informed by these 

For pupils at risk of falling behind: 

1:1 reading 


Word Time sessions 

Fresh Start 

- Results sent home to parents to support parental involvement 

Early Intervention 

  • At Manorside Academy, our aim is for all pupils to keep up and not have to catch up. However, we are aware that some pupils progress at different rates and may need support to ensure they are able to read in line with their chronological age. To ensure all pupils gain a deep and rigorous knowledge of key skills that enable them to read fluently, we swiftly put in place several interventions that support our wide range of pupils where assessments show necessary. “Early intervention in the primary grades can prevent reading problems for most children and significantly reduce reading disabilities”xii These include RWI Fresh Start interventions, daily 1:1 reading, tutoring, pre-teaching class texts and extended schools which are all taught by highly qualified staff. These not only work towards ensuring that pupils have no gaps within their understanding and as a minimum, have the same reading age as their chronological age, but they also develop pupils’ confidence in their ability to read and fully comprehend independently which in turn, develops their love of reading. When pupils join Manorside Academy mid-year, they are assessed on entry to ensure any appropriate interventions are swiftly put in place to ensure they catch up and any gaps in knowledge are closed. Class teachers, alongside the Reading Lead will look at how the pupils are assessed and use their experience, knowledge, and training to decide the most appropriate intervention that will catch the child up as swiftly as possible. The RWI Fresh start scheme is in place to support pupils in KS2, who have been assessed to have their reading age below their chronological age and is ran by highly trained teaching assistants working across year groups each afternoon. In EYFS and KS1, we begin with phonics and language interventions from the earliest point possible for the child with these being taught by staff trained in RWI. 

Six weekly assessments & fluid groupings informed by these 

For pupils at risk of falling behind: 

1:1 reading 


Word Time sessions 

Fresh Start 

Results sent home to parents to support parental involvement 

RWI official CPD for all staff 

Reading for Pleasure 

Reading for pleasure is instrumental in developing reading skills with Clarke and Rumbold identifying many benefits including; reading attainment & writing ability, text comprehension, breadth of vocabulary, positive reading attitudes, general knowledge and many more.xiii Story Time and Book Club are an integral part of all timetables across the school. Story Time is timetabled in daily and is a protected slot of time where pupils can enjoy a wide selection of books that have been carefully selected to build cultural capital and introduce pupils to different cultures and communities. Story Time books are also used as an opportunity to develop vocabulary, with pupils unpicking and applying key vocabulary from these books throughout the week. Each classroom has a book corner which is designed to promote high quality books and embed a passion for reading.  
Book Club takes place in the school library, giving teachers the chance to act as influencers and promoters of reading whilst pupils have the opportunity to make recommendations and share reviews with their peers.  Pupils from Reception onwards have the opportunity to vote for their Story Time book so instil key British Values.  
We also hold regular events across the year such as Bedtime Reading evenings, World Book Day activities and author visits to inspire and engage pupils with reading across a range of styles and genres. 

Story Time books rigorously planned to ensure they are developing pupils’ cultural capital 

Daily Story Time sessions prioritised with pupils voting about the text they would like 

Reading Club offered to Year 1 – 6 

Book Club sessions timetables in weekly in the school library to develop a passion for reading and to develop oracy. 

Online reading library provided for all pupils so they can access a wide range of texts easily 

Trips to local libraries planned into the wider curriculum to develop links 

Summer Reading Challenge promoted and celebrated within the school 

Celebrated events such as World Book Day, Bedtime Story Evenings and Roald Dahl Day 

Home reading celebrated as pupils become Reading Champions 

Parent Workshops about how to support developing a love of reading at home 

Carefully banded books so pupils can access books they take home independently 

Alternative books by the author they are currently studying readily available in book corners for pupils to access if they enjoy that author 


 Reading for Pleasure Strategy

At Manorside Academy, reading is at the heart of school life. We understand the significance of showing that reading is both VALUED and VALUABLE. It is impossible to mandate that pupils read for pleasure, but we believe that our staff can inspire pupils and engage them in reading widely. Research conducted by The Open University and The UK Literacy Association (UKLA) in 2019, found that a ‘robust Reading for Pleasure pedagogy’ encompasses four practices: Reading Aloud, Informal booktalk and recommendations, Independent reading time, and a highly social reading environment. At Manorside Academy, we have used this research to inform and develop our own Reading for Pleasure Strategy so that we can best support all our pupils to develop a lifelong love of reading. To support our strong reading culture, the following strategies are shared among our staff and pupils: 

Reading for Pleasure Pedagogy 


What Does This Look Like at Manorside? 

Reading Aloud 

At Manorside Academy, we prioritise reading aloud to pupils. We understand that reading aloud to children from their earliest years matters. Time to read aloud is found every day and this is protected time in our school day. Whether reading a story book, news article or poetry, it’s a wonderful opportunity for staff to offer a model for independent reading and to demonstrate their own enthusiasm for books. Each class has a class reading text, which provides more challenge than texts children could access independently. These texts are shared purely for enjoyment and are uninterrupted by frequent questioning. Children are often involved in selecting their class reader, through a vote based on book covers or blurbs, though teachers may select a particular text they want to highlight. Having a class repertoire of texts in common helps to promote ‘book talk’ amongst pupils and helps to expand children’s reading horizons. Once a year, we invite children to take part in ‘Books at Bedtime’ where they visit school in their pyjamas to listen to a story being read aloud. 

-Daily Story Time is embedded across the school to build cultural capital and introduce pupils to different cultures and communities. 

- Daily WCR lessons, pupils are given oracy opportunities for reading aloud which are carefully mapped out in our planning.  

- We have a school Oracy Lead to promote the use of talk and vocabulary.  

-Books at Bedtime event where children are invited to come back to school to listen to their teacher read a bedtime story.  

-Reading Club during lunch time 

Independent Reading 

At Manorside Academy, we build in as many opportunities for reading as possible within our school day, both for purpose and for pleasure. For children to develop as self-reliant readers, they need to be able to select a book and sustain their concentration. With a reported decrease in the time children spend reading at home, it is especially important that children can read for a sustained period at school. Pupils are offered a feast of books: easy reads, books about how things work, graphic novels, joke books, irreverent books, books about animals- anything that might hook them into reading – as well as the more challenging books they will listen to in story times. Most importantly, children are offered books they might choose to read over and over again. 

- Class bookshelves are stocked with books and authors recommended by the pupils.  

- Staff receive CPD to ensure that they are up to date with engaging texts and authors and can recommend high quality texts that individual pupils will enjoy reading independently. 

-Parent Workshops are offered to support with reading at home and foster positive relationships with reading at home. 

-Pupils have the opportunity in WCR lessons to read independently.  

-Pupils take home and read a decodable book that they are able to read independently.  

-Oxford Owl and Reading Plus is promoted across the school, where children have access to hundreds of further books that they can read independently. 

Book Talk, inside-text talk and recommendations 

Reading needs to be vocal as well as visible. By encouraging our pupils to talk to each other about their current reading, we hope to create a culture which will enable spontaneous child-led text talk. We recognise that as educators, it is our responsibility to try and keep up to date with new publications in children’s literature so we can provide children with recommendations tailored to their interests. Teachers are encouraged to share their favourite stories and authors with the children.  

-Weekly Book Club time where children get to discuss books that they are interested in and recommendations.  

- Staff receive continuous CPD to recommend high quality books that pupils will enjoy reading independently. 

- Our school Reading Ambassadors promote a love of reading regularly and can recommend books and authors to their peers.  

-Reading Comprehension lessons (Y2-6) offer children the opportunity to ‘text talk’ at the beginning of every lesson. 

-Reading Clubs are offered to promote staff and children recommending books.  

-Visits to our local Library 

Reading Environments 

We know that certain elements promote a love of reading, which include freedom to choose reading materials; a print-rich environment; access to a variety of texts; time for reading in school; encouragement to readers; and quiet, comfortable places to read. National Literacy Trust, 2006. 

Reading areas can be powerful and provide a focus for favourite books, reading recommendations and reading behaviours. As well as being aesthetically pleasing, we recognise that reading displays should be purposeful and the children should have some ownership of them. For example, by being involved in the creative process or by adding to displays with post-its or reviews. In our reading areas, books are accessible, appealing, and changed often. Where appropriate, they are organised and labelled by genre or even author. It’s important for children to realise that reading is linked to everything, so you may also find books within the continuous provision in Early Years, or to support Maths, Science or contexts in other classrooms. Reading can happen anywhere! We are working on making our school a reading-rich environment and giving children opportunities to read beyond the classroom, whether in the hall, library, playground or even in the reading shed! 

-Each classroom has a ‘mini-library’. This is where books are front facing and grouped by class Reading Ambassadors.  

-Our School Library is an environment where children can enjoy listening to books and sharing books with one another.  

- Our School Reading Shed gives children the opportunity to read outdoors and foster a further love of reading.  

Fostering a Love of Reading 

It is impossible to mandate that pupils read for pleasure, but teachers can inspire pupils and engage them in reading widelyi. We believe it is vitally important that all pupils are exposed to a wide selection of authors from different cultures, ethnicities, gender, and backgrounds to support pupils with their wider understanding of the world around them and to develop their cultural capital.  That is why all our Reading Comprehension, Whole Class Reading & Story Time texts are meticulously hand-picked by the Senior Leadership Team to ensure all these different elements are reflected on and are woven throughout our curriculum. Story time books have incorporated texts that are more socially and culturally diverse that teaching staff and senior leadership team correlating building on all staff's knowledge of a range of books available. A class teacher will choose two books from the list, given to each year group, and give their class a synopsis of the stories. Children can then democratically choose the book that they would like to have read to them.  
To develop pupils’ passion for reading, we engage in events including World Book Day and Bedtime Story Evenings that encourage pupils to enjoy reading further and are always a big success at Manorside.  
We understand the importance of pupils being exposed to a wide range of genres as each genre comes with an opportunity to learn new vocabulary and each genre has a set of skills tied to itii. Therefore, to encourage reading across genres, we have Book worm awards that children can work towards each year by reading a range of books from 9 different genres and once completed receive one of three different badges (Bronze/Silver/Gold). We also invite in authors to encourage pupils to read a wider range of books and develop their writing skills. We see reading as a vital tool in developing pupils’ cultural capital and these events play a key part in this.  
Staff at Manorside expect parents/carers to listen to their children read at home for 5-10 minutes 3 times per week and to record this in their planners so they can apply skills learnt at school. Oxford Reading Owl (an online book library) and reading plus are there to ensure children always have a range of texts that they can access at home. Furthermore, all pupils are sent home with at least one banded book of their choice that is appropriately challenging for their stage of reading, for them to enjoy at home. The carefully banded books ensure that pupils are practising the sounds they have learnt in school whilst consolidating previous knowledge. Any home reading is then celebrated through house points and Reading Champion Awards. We support parents/carers with this by offering parental guidance letters that inform them how their child is taught to read at school so they can support them effectively. As part of their home reading, we encourage pupils to re-read their books to develop fluency and promote that parents ask them a variety of questions to develop their understanding.  Once children are fluent readers, it opens the door for them to be immersed in books. Carefully chosen texts that reflect children’s interests and help them to be emotionally invested in the characters are fundamental in encouraging a love of reading.iii 

Story Time books rigorously planned to ensure they are developing pupils’ cultural capital 

Daily Story Time sessions prioritised with pupils voting about the text they would like 

Reading Club offered to Year 1 – 6 

Book Club sessions timetables in weekly in the school library to develop a passion for reading and to develop oracy. 

Online reading library provided for all pupils so they can access a wide range of texts easily 

Trips to local libraries planned into the wider curriculum to develop links 

Summer Reading Challenge promoted and celebrated within the school 

Celebrated events such as World Book Day, Bedtime Story Evenings and Roald Dahl Day 

Home reading celebrated as pupils become Reading Champions 

Parent Workshops about how to support developing a love of reading at home 

Carefully banded books so pupils can access books they take home independently 

Alternative books by the author they are currently studying readily available in book corners for pupils to access if they enjoy that author 

Reading Parent Workshops

Read, Write, Inc Phonics - Powerpoint for Parents

Parent Reading Workshop

 Phonics Parent Workshop March 2025