Home School Agreement
Please find attached a copy of our Home School Agreement that all pupils and parents must sign to ensure we can work together to support every child across the school to reach their full potential
Dear Parents and Carers,
At Manorside we have a Home School Agreement which outlines what all pupils, parents and the school will do to support all children with their learning. We ask that you read through this agreement with your child and both sign the document below to show that we are all working together to do the best for your child. Once you have returned it to school, the class teacher will also sign the agreement.
Many thanks
Child Name:________________________________________________ Class:___________________
Manorside Academy Home School Agreement 2024/2025
I will:
- Work hard and listen to instructions
- Wear my correct school uniform and PE kit with pride
- Ask for help if I need it
- Do my homework
- Bring all of the things that I need for school on the right day
- Attend school every day and arrive on time
- Follow the school rules
- Show our four school values at all times: kindness, uniqueness, respect and resilience.
Signed:____________________________________________________ Date:___________________
I will:
- Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time
- Encourage and support my child with their homework
- Make sure my child wears the correct uniform and PE kit
- Contact the school as soon as possible if my child is absent
- Support my child to make the right behaviour and learning choices in school.
Signed:____________________________________________________ Date:___________________
We will:
- Welcome you into school and keep you informed of your child’s progress
- Support you child with their learning
- Set you child regular homework tasks including reading
- Put in place appropriate rewards and sanctions
- Meet with you regularly to discuss your child’s progress
- Give your child as many opportunities as possible to explore, learn and develop.
Signed:____________________________________________________ Date:___________________
Breakfast & After School Clubs
Manorside Academy runs a Breakfast Club and After School Club at Manorside Academy. The Breakfast Club runs from 7.40am to the start of the school day and costs £4.00 per session. After School Club runs until 5.30pm and costs £7.00 per session. Please book your sessions in advance via Parentpay. You can book until 2pm for that day’s After School Club or the following morning’s Breakfast Club.
Bookings after the cut off point will not be accepted and pupils will not be added to the register. This is to allow SLT the opportunity to ensure there are adequate staff to pupil ratios following legal guidance.
Information regarding Breakfast & ASC Additional Charges
Withdrawal from After School Club
We reserve the right to withdraw your child’s place from After School Club for a variety of reasons including; not following the behaviour policy, acting unsafely and persistent disruptive behaviour. If we are going to do this we will follow these stages:
Stage 1
You will receive a verbal warning about your child’s behaviour and the risk of them losing their place.
Stage 2
You will receive written warning about your child’s behaviour and the risk of them losing their place.
Stage 3
You will receive written confirmation that your child will no longer be able to attend After School Club and the reasons behind this.
This will always be our last resort and we will endeavour to try a range of strategies before it results in this.
In the event of an extreme incident, we reserve the right to withdraw you child's place effective immediately.
National Savings Childcare Voucher Scheme
To allocate funds to your ParentPay account log into your NSCVS account, select Manorside as your childcare provider and allocate the amount of funds you wish to transfer.
Send an email to office@manorside-academy.co.ukdetailing the amount of funds being transferred and where you would like the funds to be allocated in ParentPay ie Breakfast Club, After School Club, Nursery.
When the funds enter our bank, your ParentPay account is credited as requested.
For any general enquiries or more information, please email office@manorside-academy.co.uk
Breakfast Club Allergen Information
BCP Funded Breakfast and After School Club Provision
manorside academy wraparound care funded places criteria.pdf